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What is an Erasmus+ project?

Erasmus+ is a European programme that aims at meeting the teaching and learning needs of all participants, in this case, compulsory secondary education teachers and students..

This programme has different exchanges that offer young people from different countries the chance to learn more about the cultures of each of the countries involved in the project, as well as helps improve the educational skills of students so that they can develop their personal social and professional competences in the best possible way.

What is this Erasmus + based on?

This Erasmus, in particular, is made up of schools from the following countries: Spain, Croatia, Greece, Poland, Portugal and Turkey, but it has already been working for a year in the field KA229. Even so, we have joined it recently with our KA122 and will be able to take part during the following 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years.

Erasmus+ projects are divided into different fields which are focused on the different educative stages or levels. Once a school has been granted one of these projects, students must develop their own projects at school, taking into account the common topic the project is based on. They will also have the opportunity to travel to the respective countries that make up the project to share its evolution, work together and learn about the culture of the place they have travelled to.

This project is called Upcycling Lives and it is based, mainly, on giving a new life to those objects that you have at home and you are going to throw away or you are no longer going to use. For this reason, we can say that the motto of this Erasmus+ is "Give a second life to your waste" , a message that caught our attention from the very beginning.

Our blog will include as well sections and activities carried out in the Erasmus+ KA229 which we have joined as an external complementary project. The title of that project is: Upcycling: A Project from Bottom to Top and our goal will be working on those issues that won't be developed in their project, as for example, the present blog.

Find out about our European friends clicking on the pictures on the right.

Those charming European strangers.


Who will be those new European friends that we will meet throughout our project? It was the first thing we asked ourselves when we received the news of our participation. Now we know that they are schools from six different countries: Poland, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Portugal and Spain.

Our blog will show the work developed (along with our own) in the Erasmus+ KA229 project called "Upcycling: A Project from Bottom to Top" and made up of these six schools that we present in the right column next to ours.

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